Tuesday, November 30, 2010

poetry project #2: i created xXemoXx when you were just a nutstain in your daddys underwear

children hard at work to suffer
in the mist of darkness with only a tear to shed
covered in black they hide their faces
fake facade stolen from the misfits
malcontents that wouldn't know punk
if it bitch-slapped their mother
while the devil sodomized their father
high pitched moans of melodrama
rejects from a gothic world lost
you want a story of unblemished love
i created emo when you were just
a nutstain in your daddys underwear
does that make your soul bleed black
to realize your angst is unoriginal
then go ahead, slash your pain out
if you think the world doesn't understand
but don't bitch to me until you've lived
my lucid lithium nightmare
and walked amongst the living dead
in a real padded cell of fear
fuckin' pussies